How Lucy found inner peace.


We wanted to share with you Lucy’s story, because if you’ve thought

“man they make it sound soooo easy”

“surely it’s not this simple”

“this will never happen for me”

Then my friend you NEED to read this story, because Lucy said all of these things too…..

But her transformation has literally been incredible, and is exactly the type of journey we want to celebrate and triumph!

When Lucy came to us, she was in a really dark place. She felt lost and just didn’t know where to start. 

She knew she needed to do something as she was getting out of control, BUT knew she didn’t want to take anti- depressants or cover anything up with medication.

This is when she started to look for natural ways to help herself.

Cue her first appointment with Bex- one aromatherapy massage.

When Lucy first walked through the door I was met by a bubbly, smiley person. Lucy didn’t tell me straight away what was going on - she just asked for something relaxing and to help loosen her tension from her neck and shoulders.

It wasn’t until Lucy was nice and comfy on the couch and I put my hands on her, that it became clear what her smile and bubbles were hiding.

You see - your body keeps the score!

As much as we think we can mask it with a happy face and up-beat energy, underneath it all our body tells the real story of what is going on for us.

Before long, Lucy started to unravel her story as the energy began to move within her body.

It was such a big release.

Not only was the physical tension able to disperse but emotionally, all the holding and the hiding was able to leave as Lucy allowed herself to be seen, heard and held in her most vulnerable state.

She wasn’t saying it for me - she was saying it for her!

This is such an important step in self - healing. The art of witnessing, listening and honouring our feelings, no matter how big, or how small.

If I could travel back in time, I wish I had a before and after shot of how Lucy looked…..

But I don’t ☹

However I can tell you she looked peaceful, and lighter - and maybe a bit tired because let's face it - who doesn’t feel exhausted after a big emotional outpouring!

Lucy has since seen Oliver for meditation, learned breathwork, rebalanced with reflexology, and continued with regular massages and coaching.

BUT best of all, Lucy has taken her new found awareness of herself and is back in charge of her own health and wellbeing.

Here is what Lucy has to say about her transformation

“I am a different person, I can’t even say I am the person I used to be, because I am not. I am more confident, I am finally standing up for myself and saying no, I don’t like that, or this situation isn’t working for me. I actually really like who I am now, which is something I have not been able to say for years.

Without sounding overly dramatic - you saved my life! I honestly don’t think I would be here without the love and support of Bex and Oliver - my years of self harm have come to a stop!

I still have a way to go, but I am in so much of a better place!

I love you all so much and thank you for what you have done for me”.

I didn’t know the depths of Lucy’s despair when she first visited. It takes time, trust and most importantly a consistent promise to yourself to keep showing up no matter how tough It gets!

Healing isn’t always easy- in truth it quite often gets harder before it begins to get better- but I promise you how you feel at the end of it - absolutely outweighs choosing to stay the same and trying to live and ignore what is really going on inside!

The point where it always changes is the moment when you say YES to you and know you deserve to feel better!


How Kate got her Sparkle back.


How Deborah stepped into the darkness.