How Kate got her Sparkle back.

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Kate’s friend turned to her one day and said “you’ve got your sparkle back”.

And right back at the beginning of her journey she didn’t even realise she had a sparkle to lose!

Kate had an unshakable feeling that there had to be a better way to feel.

Bad day after bad day, followed by an okay day.

When Kate first reached out, it was because of a knowing…a calling that led her our way.

She felt lost, and knew she hadn’t felt herself for a long time.

Her words were “rock bottom”.

Kate joined a lot of our workshops and classes and over the last 18 months has completely transformed her life!

She has since gone on to follow her passion of helping others, sharing her own story of self-discovery, now offers holistic therapies and is a meditation teacher in Devon.

Ready to be inspired?

Here is what Kate had to say about the process and how her life has changed for the better!

“People who I have known for many years say that I am completely unrecognisable now … in a good way! 

I am well … I make good choices for myself in terms of nutrition, water, fresh air, sleep and exercise and have a yoga and meditation practice. 

I have redefined my relationships with others making good choices for those around who I see and don’t see. Those that didn’t appreciate the “new” me kind of just drifted off but that’s okay and those that stuck around I have a healthier relationship with. 

People have said that I didn’t stop being gentle or humble but just felt more powerful and courageous (still struggle to type something like that!)  … someone said I got my Kate sparkle back which was weird because I didn’t know I had it in the first place to lose LOL.

Goes to show how awfully you can talk to yourself and about yourself to others. 

It's not all love and light ALL THE TIME but that’s also okay because it's real and I feel content to be real and go with the ups and downs. I have tools now!

I spent a lot of time trying to help others from a place of no energy to help mostly out of fear that if I didn’t have anything to offer then why would they want to be a friend? I now help when my cup is overflowing but not because of fear - but love and on my terms without compromising myself. There is a lot in this! You guys helped me take the first steps which helped me take even bigger ones and I have done things I never thought I would since! It was all like a chain reaction.

During the process it felt like my whole life had come crashing down around me. Massive healing crisis. But I also felt loved and supported and like I mattered and it mattered that I found a more joyful place inside me to be. You never gave me all the answers or did all the work for me, you guided me to the answers. I believe a good teacher will always do this … show you a key but let you unlock the door yourself. 

Also I think you understood something about my personality and that to empower a disempowered person you don’t do it for them and further take their power away BUT you help them find their own by shining a light upon it so they can see. I think you saw the strength I have that I didn’t know I had at that time.”

Kate is an amazing example of how we help people discover the answers held within themselves. It is not a short process but a promise and a commitment built around developing better choices, healthy relationships and staying true to yourself.


How Lucy found inner peace.