How Sam unlocked his chronic pain with meditation.


Here at Sol Energies we believe our physical symptoms are the messengers for our emotional body.

This means, when we experience a physical pain, aches, chronic illness etc we look beyond the symptom to discover what message our body is trying to tell us.

Because “The body keeps the score”

And when we really tune into this we realize our bodies provide a powerful compass - helping us navigate our experience, and remember who we are.

Our story today is about the lovely Samuel.

Samuel was gifted a session by his aunt for the chronic headaches he experiences.

Samuel will openly admit that before his first session, although he knew headaches were often a symptom of stress, he wouldn’t care to admit that so openly.

We quickly got to work on providing Samuel some simple tools to regulate his nervous system; namely breathwork and meditation. 

In down regulating his nervous system, he was able to spend more time in his parasympathetic response (which is our rest and repair response).

This new baseline and contrast was able to give Samuel some valuable insight into his patterns of behaviour, triggers and his default function - i.e. fight or flight.

It really is amazing how just a simple contrast can reveal just how much of our being is spent, forcing, pushing, worrying, stressing, doing……

Further to that, how the space and stillness created really allows for us to get to work on some of the deeper issues at hand.

Samuel was able to identify feelings of low self-esteem and hopelessness.

This is such a gift.

Why? Because when we bring our awareness to a habit, a belief, a pattern of behavior and we see it in all its truth and shadow, but ultimately know it is something we want to change, we can begin to choose something different.

We do this by building new habits. Forming new neural pathways to rewrite the limiting belief we have identified with for so long, and making a promise and a commitment to make the choice that is in alignment of what we DO want/ who we DO want to be.

Samuel’s breathwork and meditation practice was the foundational pillar in this change and awareness.

Here is what Samuel had to say about his experience with us:

“When working together I felt calm and comfortable. Any preconceived ideas of the possible awkwardness going in soon dissipated. I was stimulated on a conversational level, speaking in depth about emotions, philosophy, self, anxiety etc all in a healthy and organic way. Through these conversations I began to discover more about myself and the positive changes that I could make in my life. The meditation side of the process was equally mind opening, never in my life have I felt such pure transcendence; It was more powerful than any drug I've taken. I've come to realise the possibilities of mediation and the benefits it can bring into one's life. I am very grateful. 

Though my headaches are still present I feel as if I have been given the tools in which to deal with them. The journey is long and in many ways this experience feels like the beginning of the road to recovery. Of all the treatments I've tried, this a has been by far the most helpful. Who knows when this pain will fully disappear, I'm confident that when it does it will be because of the positive changes I have implemented within myself since beginning this experience. 

Sol Energies listen to who you are and make you feel at home within yourself. You learn to view your present with an objectivity and clarity that was otherwise lacking. You are given the tools and support in which to help yourself.

You experience the power of meditation and through doing so find the most beautiful place within one's self, where everything is crystal clear and only calm resides. And perhaps most surprisingly, through this experience you will gain a friend you didn't realise you needed but sure are grateful for having met. “

So you see, an important part of what we do, is giving you the tools and the support to discover yourself. In Sam’s case he is still suffering with headaches, but is full of positivity because of the changes he has made.

For us this is truly inspirational because it takes a brave and strong person not to lose sight of the bigger picture and not get lost in the instant gratification we are all so used to feeling.

The journey home to yourself is a long one. Challenging at best, but also one of the most rewarding ones!


How Deborah stepped into the darkness.