Why being real, is the new normal.


The New Real ✅

It's been said that when you normalise to something that you are also de-sensitising to it...

Let me explain.

The excitement of being able to ride a bike for the first time is joyful and a cherished memory for child and parent alike.

But the initial excitement soon settles and we get used to the feeling. This allows us to put our focus forward, longer rides, hills and jumps etc and bit by bit we become more confident, dreaming ourselves into new situations and developing new skills or nurturing them in our children as we see them grow.

The freedom to explore and grow like this is a feeling that is like no other.

Freedom to explore your world, your relationships, your power, your vulnerability, your creativity, your strength, your softness, your ability to love and your ability to be loved.

You can obviously normalise up the scale meaning more embodied, more expressive, more individual, more passionate, more present etc...

And you can normalise down...habits, behaviours and thoughts that don't really feel like you anymore persist and the experience of your life does not reflect what you want for yourself.

Now is a time that is perfect to work out what is serving you and helping you explore yourself and the physical world around you...and what is not.

In the rush to "normal" please remember to be REAL.

Your an ever evolving being who has the sovereign right to change their mind, opinion, tastes, interests, friendships & relationships whenever you choose.

You choose...that's the point...that's the gift.

Make REAL your new normal.

All of you.

All parts.

The shiny and the messy.

Bit by bit - everyday observing the feelings and eager to find out what new wonderful desires are being born in you.

Feel where your energy and words are useful and where they are not.

Seek not to condemn people and the world around you but to celebrate them.





Intuitive Mentoring.


A letter from your Future Self.