A letter from your Future Self.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

One of my go to's when I'm in a pickle, is to pick up a pen and write a letter from my future self for some words of encouragement and support.

I feel a little bit scared sharing this coz its super personal, and I was really vulnerable- but I do so because writing stuff down, and this exercise has been so so helpful to me, and I think perhaps what I've written might resonate and inspire something in you....

There's so such science to back up the power of writing to rewire your brain, but for the most part I find this space allows the warm, caring and nurturing side of me to come through and hold the parts of me I'm finding difficult to love and want to fight with.

"Just take a moment to celebrate how much you've grown.

The path you've had to walk hasn't been easy but you have done so with grace and humility.
You are one of lifes angels and it is only not that you truly understand what that means, and to be able to make sense of all that you've had to face and overcome.

You have stepped up and shown up staking your post to support, help and shift mankind.
To pave the way and bridge generations so the whole of humanity can be anchored in 5d and beyond.
This has been a long time coming. You have listened and patiently waited for your time, trusting yourself every step of the way.
You have gallantly called on your inner strength and bravery to pursue a life many only dream of.

You know every perfect opportunity comes from an awareness and focus of energy, and even with not knowing the full plan, you believed and held that possibility so everything could expand around it.

You embody your truth and sovereignty with ease and fluidity, magnetising those who seek to know a little more than they did yesterday.
Your light is like a fire, a beacon that burns bright for all to see.
Once afraid to be seen, you showed yourself and that was the start of your great acceleration.

You took a chance on you, no longer waiting on the universe to deliver; but you decided you were the one to show up for what is the most historic, transformational time in human existence.
As soon as you made the choice everything began to fall into place.
More abundance, more joy, more love, more laughter, more freedom, more adventures

It is from absolute certainty that was the strongest vibration felt and received- everything else arranged accordingly.

When you follow your heart, and your embodied in your truth and purpose, you are an unstoppable force.

I love you"


Why being real, is the new normal.


Doing what makes you FEEL good.