What is Sound Healing?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

It’s becoming more and more common these days to hear people speak about vibration. It is, as they say, the fundamental state of all things. 

Everything is continually in a state of motion + change. The ant and the mountain might not even register each other - but they both grow all the same.

We have ants within us and we also have mountains - that is to say….

Some of the vibrations of memories and emotions within us may feel instantly irritable, easy to remember and obvious - just like an ant. Other parts of us vibrate like mountains, years old, like waste piled up on top of itself until the core can be barely seen yet the enormity of the mountain is obvious within our lives.

Sound works in an intelligent way to heal the body. Sound healing sessions do this by offering harmonic tones and frequencies that create a space which the body can feel safe in. Sound Healing helps relax the mind by calming anxiety and allowing “flow” within the mind, soul and body. As much as the sound heals, the silence in between becomes even more powerful as we can sink deeper into our ability to be “present” with ourselves.

From solfeggio frequencies, tuning forks, didgeridoo, crystal singing bowls, our voices and lot’s more we adore the way in which we use sound to heal ourselves, our children and others. Children respond so naturally to sound healing. It is that same inquisitiveness that is re-inspired when we drop out of our heads and open up to receive the healing power of sound.

We are made of so many layers and it can be difficult to get the root of an issue. If you’ve ever experienced talking therapy I’m sure you know how useful it is but also where it’s limitations are. We often have enquiries from people who’ve exhausted the usefulness of convention counselling. They seem aware of layers deeper within them that they just can’t reach.

Sound is beyond words and helps the two hemispheres of our brain and being come back into cohesion. This is why such powerful emotions can be felt within the body as our logical self and creative self are shaking hands again. We are whole, even when we feel like we are not. It’s not the sound that heals - it’s the way your being reorganises itself in response to it. 

Think of it like waves forming the beach, the sand simply flows with the water. When we stop flowing, just like water we stagnate. As you know, sound is absorbed by the body (loud speakers at a concert anyone?) and as you can imagine sound healing goes deep within us helping heal deep emotional and physical wounds.

Sound can also aid in experiencing different waking states of consciousness and heart-brain connection. Truly miraculous transformations have taken place with sound, it’s so powerful that it even works on-line thanks to our amazing microphone set-up and our ability to connect with you and your space.

Such a re-connection has deep effects on us emotionally as well as physically. The nervous system lights up during these transformational states, re-programming a new state of being and thus the body adjusts i.e. hormonal levels, cell repair, increased sensitivity + sensuality so you can enjoy the sensations of being human again and not have to feel so guarded against the world. Letting the good back in after you’ve released what you no longer need to carry.

Vision states and profound spiritual experiences have become commonplace as the body responds so well to sound and allows itself to open up and re-energise. Sound is also extremely useful for reaching deeply held traumas resulting from abuse and PTSD. It allows a space for thoughts, feelings and ideas to be digested healthily and steadily WITHOUT words. 

It is so often the words that leave us feeling un-nourished, for as much as we talk we never feel fully heard.

Perhaps it is time to listen and hear again.

To hear the music in you!

Ready to have a go? Over in our Free Resources section you will find Sound Healings to get your started. Just click here.

To view our other Tools & Methods we use when you choose to Heal with Us please click below

Our Sound Healing works alongside our other treatments including Reflexology, Conscious Fertility, Holistic Lifestyle Guidance, Meditation, Massage, Breathwork and Intuitive Mentoring. For more details about How to Heal with Us please click below.


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