How to connect with your spirit guides in 7 easy ways.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

In this blog discover 7 easy ways to connect with your spirit guides and receive guidance and help.

If you’re a beginner or just looking to deepen your connection, developing your relationship with your spirit guides is a wonderful, soul nurturing experience.

You can get started straight away, because we’ve even got a free guided meditation to meet not just your spirit guide, but your animal guide too!

Previously I introduced our 5 main spirit guides- if you missed it or want to find out more just click here.

Now if you’ve done any kind of spiritual development with me or even healing for that matter, you will know how I like to keep things simple.

When I was first starting out, getting quite frustrated I might add over my lack of connection ( or so I thought) they said

“wow you really love to over complicate things don’t you”

So they tell me, it’s a bit of a common theme between us all, that we all love a 5 step program to follow and completely over complicate it when actually it’s really simple.

Before we dive into it- there’s a few points I just want to cover.

Connecting with your spirit guides, is like nurturing a new relationship (although its only new for us, because they have been there all along haha) It take time, patience and practice.

Like any relationship, there will be periods of heightened connection and periods of disconnection.

In periods of disconnect- you’re not doing anything wrong, they haven’t gone anywhere, just keep with it.

Those of us that have a “clear” connection we aren’t walking round channelling messages all day long- we are embodied and in our flow because ultimately we know we aren’t separate from “them/spirit”.

Joy and gratitude are 2 feelings that really open up the connection with ease.

Lastly, have fun. Don’t start wading in with the deep stuff. If you’re just starting out keep it light and keep it fun, and most of all try and have no expectation on outcome or experience- just be open to anything and go with it!

Right, that’s all cleared up, shall we take a look on how to get started.


The easiest way we usually introduce people to their spirit guides is through meditation.

There is an abundance of youtube videos guided you through the experience, but naturally I am going to encourage you to check out Oliver’s free guided meditation on Insight Timer. The link is at the bottom of this blog.

Meditation is great because we are breathing with intent and settling into our own nervous system.

This is key because we have to know what is ours, before we introduce anything new.

Your spirit guides will be introducing a new vibration into your field so a simple body scan is a great way to connect to your own energy and feel yourself, so when they step “in” you will have a really clear indicator of what has changed within your own body.

Now I am going to go out on a limb and say feeling them is the easiest way to connect, because everyone can feel their own body. You are looking for temperature changes, tingles and other sensations, energy moving in your body. You may even see lights or hear ringing in one of your ears.

I’ll save all the different Claire’s for another time!


I love Carl Jung’s definition “a meaningful coincidence”

Ever just picked up your phone before it started to ring, or thought of a person and then they message you. It’s a thing, right?

I never fail to get excited when I hear about other people’s experiences with synchronicities.

Spirit guides loved to connect with us in this way.

This could be a post all by itself on how to spot the signs and messages our guides connect with us through synchronicities.

Here are some of my favourites:

Spirit FM: This is the song that randomly plays in your head out of no-where (Shout out to Carron who shares my love for spirit FM)

Repeating numbers: Every time I look at the clock it’s 11:11 or 14:14- your in flow!

Car reg plates: I’ve done a lot of miles on the motorway, and this is a great game to play with the kids. When I packed up my belongings 5 years ago and moved back home to Devon Rita Ora was playing “I’m coming home….” On the radio as I hit the motorway and I saw more than 5 cars with GO in the reg! Still makes me smile even now 😊


Step one: Ground yourself

Step two: Write the question you would like answering.

Step three: Ask for help and guidance- say a prayer, call them in (however you like to do it)

Step four: Start writing and go with it.

Journaling is also a great thing to do after your meditation so you can reflect. Whilst your still in a very open and receptive state you may well get your answer through journaling if you haven’t received it already.

In the beginning it’s also handy to write down signs, feelings, visions, audio as you go, so you can reflect back on it. The reflection part is an awesome way to build up your trust with your intuition, because let’s face it most of us will try and dismiss our first feeling rather than go with it. THIS IS NORMAL IF THIS IS YOU!


This might be tarot, oracle cards, dowsing. The visual cue can be a massive trust builder. This is how I first started reading cards, and really built up my intuition. Keep it light and keep it fun.

Create the space to practice:

Now I know I just said above that we don’t channel messages all day long consciously when we are embodied and present, but when you're first starting out, making space in your day, your week and having a little ritual is a great help. You might like to set your space with candles and incense, say a prayer and set your intent, have some ambient music on in the background.

You would make time for your best friend wouldn’t you? And not expect them to reach you on the go all day?

Whenever I complain to spirit that they seem a little distant or they have something important they want to talk to me about, they always ask me to slow down or to be creative - or hoover ( but that is a whole other story haha)

It’s a way to honour them, and it’s always so nourishing if you make the time to properly connect.

Be Present and ask for help!

So you have to be open and you HAVE to ask for HELP. In the last post I said that they will never tell us what to do and we all have free will- yup, so we also have to ask help if we need it. Although I’m pretty sure they would step in in an emergency!

Now the important thing to remember with this is, they will always act upon our highest self’s behalf so the more you can get out of the way of having a fixed idea or outcome with HOW they are going to help, the easier it is for them to assist.

Remember they can see all the picture.

 Sometimes the thing we want, or need moving out the way (like a challenge or an obstacle OR an ex) might not be for our highest good. There might be something better for us, or another lesson or deeper understanding we need to experience to be able to move forward.

As for being present- I’m sure if you’re reading this, you're already there without cruising through life on autopilot! Yay- go you!

 Give them names:

So the truth is they probably don’t have names - but we do, and it really helps to have something tangible to call upon rather than “I call to the energy that gives me goose bumps on my right hand side”.

My first guides that showed up were called Anna and Sue, and then I had one called Blue.

Like any relationship we have to get to know them. We have to learn how the messages come, what works well, what’s slightly tricky.

Never be afraid of asking for it a different way as another confirmation, or to ask for the sign to be strong (especially if your feeling, seeing or hearing)

So that’s it. My top 6 tips for connecting with your spirit guides. I hope whether you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your connection with them, it’s been helpful and failing that you had a chuckle at the random names my first guides had.

 Ready to get started, get yourself comfy and click here for our free “Meet your Spirit Guide” meditation or “Meet your Spirit Animal” guided meditation with Oliver Jenkin.


Is this a spirit guide?


What is a spirit guide?