Energy Clearing.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Sometimes it can feel like certain situations or themes are running on a loop, or we just feel there is an almost magnetic pull within us attracting all those things we are trying our very best to avoid.

We can feel stuck and it can feel heavy, and no matter which way you try and navigate your way out of it, you wind up finding yourself right back where you started.

This might look like recurring pain and upset, a toxic relationship, or a run of bad luck etc.

When this happens our energy has become stuck and blocked. Just like water - what doesn’t flow goes stagnant.

Our Energy Clearing sessions can be delivered in person or at a distance and the aim of the game here is to spring clean your energy system to get things moving again. This is a perfect springboard if you're looking to kick start your personal journey.

What happens in a session?

  • A high vibrational energy clearing with our team of guides and yours.

  • Here we clear your energy fields of any unfriendly/negative energy attachments.

  • A multidimensional energy healing which helps lift old unwanted patterns, beliefs, wounds and blue prints.

  • Clearing of karmic vows and contracts, and the cutting of any lower vibrational karmic chords.

  • Ancestral healing to your past self and future self.

  • Soften the echoes of past lives.

  • Integration from your higher self of anything else that might be missing from your system.

  • Repair and adjust your auric field.

Our energy work also includes a post session follow up with support materials and any soul prescriptions that come through during the session so you can continue to integrate the energy over the following weeks.

Support materials include: meditation, sound healings, journals more...

To BOOK your session with us please click the link below.

To view our other Tools & Methods we use when you choose to Heal with Us please click below

For more details about other pathways to Heal with Us please click below.


Energy Attunement.


What is Energy Healing?