Discover the Benefits of Having A Spiritual Guide During Life's Journey

This thing called life can be filled with many challenges and it is not always easy to find the right path forward.

I would put money on the fact that if you've found yourself here, you are probably going through some kind of awakening, dark night of the soul/ shamanic death type thing.

Or maybe you’re just a struggling sensitive who is trying to figure out why you know all the things, and have all the practices and yet your day feels pretty stuck and less than magical.

After a quick search and scroll on the internet, you will find yourself in a sea of self-help information with everyone having a different take on all things spiritual, manifestation and self-healing! It can be overwhelming.

This is where collaborating with a spiritual coach could provide a unique form of support by guiding you deeper into your journey to self-discovery, personal growth, and self-actualization. Self-mastery is the name of the game here folks!

Spiritual coaches are professionals who specialize in helping people explore who they really are! It is the process of unravelling, shedding, and remembering the wholeness of who you are, beyond the holistic and conventional paradigm of mind, body, and soul.

It goes far beyond the material goals and hits much deeper at a soul and heart level.

Some of the things we hear from Souls we work with is:

  • "I feel like I am living someone else's life"

  • "On paper everything looks like I should be happy and fulfilled, but I'm just not"

  • "I just can't settle for this, I know there is more to life, more I am supposed to do, create, and experience. This can't be all there is!"

The soul transmits this message from a deep place within the body. What starts as a whisper, ends up sounding like a siren in your ear. There is no denying - when it's time, it's your time and life can quickly feel like a deck of cards falling around you.

The beauty of working with a spiritual coach is no matter where you are in your awakening, and soul's journey (if they are any good) they will be able to mirror, guide you (without giving you the answers) through this massive transition of death and rebirth and onto the path of self discovery.

We go through many cycles of death and rebirth in our lifetimes, so no matter if you are up leveling, needing clarity around your values, desires and purpose, or making peace with deep wounds and patterning, your spiritual coach or Soul Doula (which is my favourite soul description) will be the perfect person to walk with you through this next chapter of your journey.

You would expect your spiritual coach to have a certain level of perception, insight, awareness, and intuition, along with all the handy tools and tricks such as meditation, mindfulness, body awareness/ somatic practices, journaling, spiritual readings, affirmations, energy work and other forms of self-reflection.

Any spiritual coach worth their weight in gold will help you develop your own practices, connection to self/ soul, and tools so you can master your own journey long after your time together has ended.

I like to think of it as a soul prescription, it has to be completely unique and appropriate to your soul blueprint. Generic methods and step-by-step processes, just don't cut it! A massive benefit of working with a spiritual coach is accessing the valuable insights that can empower you to reach soul alignment, you can think of it a bit like a bird's eye view of your soul's trajectory, but I want to be clear here.....

This work should feel like a remembrance, and like a coming home to yourself. Part of the soul contracts between souls working as guides and teachers is offering a choice point to other souls to assist their growth and potential. This is because of the universal law of free will, meaning you have to take responsibility and make your own choices, discernment and action. This is greatly helped if there is a very clear distinction between channeled/intuitive messages and the coach's perception/ opinion and skills set.

Aside from emotional growth, greater clarity & confidence your spiritual coach will transform your fear into fearlessness and freedom - and help you make sense of what feels like a completely topsy turvy, mind-boggling, outright unfair, challenging human experience into something quite magical and extraordinary.

Afterall - how can it not be, when your soul is completely limitless!

Finding your Spiritual Coach

When exploring the world of spiritual coaching, it is important to identify a coach who will best suit your needs. I could talk for days about different niches, qualifications, and different practices, but we can get far too heady about all of these things and it's actually much more simple.

It's about resonance and frequency.

I am a firm believer that when we recognize ourselves as the student the right teacher appears.

So this may be your first lesson in the divine orchestration of the universe and how it magically arranges itself in line with our desires. The most important thing to check in with is how this person feel within my body.

  • Do I feel safe and connected?

  • Do they live within integrity?

  • Do I resonate with what they say? share? values etc?

  • Can you recognize your intuition speaking to you?

Often the things we are supposed to do and follow through on don’t leave us alone - it’s like a little nagging thought in our minds.

“Go here, speak to this person, listen to them” or equally “This isn’t the right one for you, but you are on the right track”

This comes back to remembrance. We all hold different keys, codes and medicine for each other. The role of your coach will be to unlock something for you, through remembrance. It might be one session, for one small thing, or a period of 6 months and a massive life transition if it’s aligned - there is something there for you.

So it doesn’t matter if they are a holistic life coach, an intuitive/ psychic counselor, mentor/ advisor or healer. It’s not actually about the technique so much, but about the PERSON you choose, because they are the carriers/ vessels of that medicine/ keys and code you seek.

They don’t have the answers, you do and what matters is the mirror they hold up to you, to  clearly see yourself so you can make the choices, changes and create and experience life from a place of wholeness.

Collaborating with a Spiritual Coach

Collaborating with a spiritual coach is an incredibly rewarding experience as I feel it is often the missing piece within conventional personal development. If you’re here you know that we are in a pivotal time within our collective destiny, and more and more people are waking up to the fact there is more than meets the eye. There is so much more to your being and human experience.

Your spiritual coach will know on a deep level their purpose here on earth during this time is to assist the collective and fulfill their soul tribe contracts in elevating the collective consciousness.

That means having a world full of conscious, connected individuals, collaborating and harmonising for a better future; taking self-responsibility, and remembering they are sovereign beings, and creators of their own reality.

There is a spiritual war between light and dark at the moment, and the way we balance that collectively is by individually playing our part to balance the light and dark within ourselves.

In this sense, the desire to work with a spiritual coach far exceeds any shallow and egoic desire to achieve, or attain conventional success for our own self serving purposes etc; there is a deep knowing that this is the work we all need to do, because we are all connected and directly affect each other and the future of our collective at large.

We hear time and time again just how lonely this path can be. It feels like you are the only one at the time who is having this grand awakening, whilst everyone else is still sleeping and ignorant to what’s going on.

Your spiritual coach will feel like a soothing balm bringing in compassion, understanding and empathy as you face one of the hardest, and primal fears around stepping out and away from the status quo within the tribe as you explore your inner realms.

Sharing your journey, beliefs, and experience within a safe container with your coach gives space to be witnessed and seen, which is immensely powerful, just on its own.

Benefits of Working with a spiritual coach.

Your spiritual coach will help you bridge the gaps between your values, what we know and believe and how we show up in the world. This IS the blending of consciousness, spirituality and our soul within the human experience.

Your time together can be spent developing your soulful connection to self but the most important part is how this connection gets to be embodied and integrated in your day to day. Spirituality can be and is widely used to bypass taking responsibility for ourselves, and we see this spread as toxic new age woo woo.

Consciousness is a moment to moment thing, not saved for weekend retreats, days of solitude in the mountains; even a regular meditation practice can be used as a crutch and aid if we are using it to escape our humanness rather than enrich it.

My point is, it’s much simpler than we like to believe. I can’t think for the life of me why god/source/the universe would have us jump through a million different hoops and move through a really long check list just to be happy, and remember our divinity! It just doesn’t make sense!

On this journey, your soul is looking for greater presence within your human experience.

This has to be balanced between our mental, emotional/ physical and spiritual bodies/ systems. If everything around you is energy and you are in relationship to it, in order to come into coherence with it, we have to be in coherence within ourselves. Not one system, not one level or plane, but all of them.

Your blueprint, is your soul, is the truth of who you are - your body, emotions and mental cognition are conditionings, patterning and imprints that we have all learnt and uphold in order to survive.

This is the big deal breaker- there comes a point where we all want to step off of that hamster wheel and start thriving, and experiencing that within our own values, beliefs and creations.

To live fearlessly and free.  

I like to think of spiritual coaching as helping souls find alignment. When you are in alignment and coherence within all of your being, you feel magnetic, and in a flow with life. Your sense of safety within is strong because you’ve developed a strong connection with yourself.

What would it mean to you to feel so tight with yourself that no matter what life threw at you, there would just be this steady presence and knowing of “you’re going to be ok?”

We do this by facing the darkness within, we call this shadow work.

When we witness the darkness and all that we feel chained and fearful of, we get to free ourselves through alignment and liberation. We get to create and play in the now. Your coach will be able to highlight and help you move through root cause problems (and if you work with us we do this on a multi-dimensional level- past lives, ancestral, social/ cultural and biological/ physiological).

Shadow work happens within each system.

Mental plane/ body:

Through self-reflection and awareness together with your coach you are able to make the unconscious, conscious like limiting mindset beliefs, conditioning etc and take practical steps to rewire your neuroplasticity to form new thought patterns and beliefs.

This is a life long skill where you will be able to take any belief and thought pattern and know exactly how to practice and form a new one to support new desires, creations and experiences.

Emotional/ physical body:

This is our subconscious body, and the storehouse of our physiological responses and patterning.

With somatic healing and bodywork you are able to nurture and release physiological stress, tension and trauma, and rebuild your connection and awareness to your body. 

Your body is your energetic antenna and your guidance system so it’s an important process to clear and make space, whilst building awareness and relationship here.

I would like to say at this point that in the new age spirituality arena so much emphasis is placed on the crown and 3rd eye chakra. Again there is so much trapping on the mental plane, and the body often gets overlooked. 

I know our journey is about the descension into the body, that our remembrance happens in our blood, flesh and bones, our gifts are activated within our body and our intuition speaks through feeling. 

Our bodies are our sacred vessels and containers for the souls experience and our nervous systems play a bigger role in our energetic makeup than we can ever begin to imagine.

This is embodiment. This is knowing how your body communicates with you, being able to move through different nervous system states, and recognise the psychospiritual messages within physical problems and diseases, so you can take appropriate action.

Energetic plane/ body:

Energy/ frequency/ vibration IS the language of our entire system.  

We are multi-dimensional beings which means our energy isn’t just limited to our bodies, but also our auric field, and the quantum realm. We interact with the energy around us every second of the day.

Building practices, awareness and a relationship with your individual energy and the world around you is an absolute must! Depending on where you are on your journey, this could look like the most simple and basic energy hygiene practices, connecting with your higher self, team of light and monadic self, or growing your intuitive senses and intuition.

Your coach will be able to guide you through these practices and depending on their skills set, be able to offer energetic clearings, akashic readings, channeled messages and readings, soul guidance from your team, auric repair, ancestral healing and soul gift remembrance.

Out of all of these, I believe the most useful to be the energetic clearings and developing great energetic hygiene practices to use on a daily basis. From that strong foundation you can develop your intuition and develop your relationship with your soul because your connection/ energy is as clear as it can be.

 It takes all of your being to come in coherence so you can live in alignment. Your coach will be able to help you understand where there is a deficit and imbalance within your system and help you harmonise it.

It is through shadow work that we develop a strong sense of inner safety and confidence within ourselves, and as a byproduct able to flow through life, following our intuition and we begin creating from our heart centers. It is the presence of our soul in the forefront of our human experience that makes space for peace, happiness, fulfillment, connection and legacy. 

 Another benefit of coaching is perspective, and one of the biggest gifts your coach can support you with is a zoomed out perspective so you can turn your pain into medicine, along with context. Your perspective is EVERYTHING because these form the foundations of our creations and experience.

Context might look like sharing:

  • Is this a soul agreement?

  • Sacred wound?

  • Karmic contract/ vow/ decree?

  • Timeline hoping?

  • Imprint of another’s energy?

These are things that won’t be talked about within conventional coaching and therapy, but I promise you they absolutely play a part in our system, but they are not there to absolve responsibility. It is shared to give understanding, wisdom and awareness and will only be shared when it’s appropriate to the soul’s journey.

Building confidence and inner resourcefulness is another benefit of working with a spiritual coach. Coupled with awareness and self-reflection/ regulation, your spiritual coach will arm you with tools, the inner and outer resources, and show you how to bank your new experiences so your transformation can be long-lasting.

We want self-resourced individuals in the world who take responsibility. Not individuals stuck in a codependent relationship with their coach, seeking validation and support at every hurdle. Be wary of any coach that leads in this dynamic and robs of your power and own knowing. It’s vital you build skills and resources along the way.

Finally my last benefit of working with a spiritual coach is - Permission and empowerment to be yourself!

The world needs you to be the best and most authentic version of you.

So you might have guessed one of the roles of your spiritual coach is to help you uncover your deepest and highest truth.  There is a reason why many people on this path identify as truth seekers. Not just the truth of the world and all its trimmings, but their own personal truth.

This doesn’t stay as some beautiful twee mental concept, it’s about how we embody and live that truth. Your spiritual coach should be your biggest cheerleader. So you can go onto cheerlead others in your own unique way.


So there we have it! If you’re at a point in your journey where you recognize you want to remember and actualize more of who you are, then a spiritual coach might just be the exact support you need to get there.

It truly is a transformative and empowering experience, guiding you towards a life of fearlessness, freedom, and soul alignment.

Just as one final reminder if you’re still on the undecided on whether working with a spiritual coach is right for you - remember:

The greatest investment you’ll ever make is in yourself.

Soul discovery is the currency of happiness, peace and fulfillment.


Navigating July in Alignment: My Collective Energy musings for this month!


Is the need to be DOING robbing you of the magic of BEING?