Navigating July in Alignment: My Collective Energy musings for this month!

Well folks I started my energy musings last month by saying there is no sign of anything slowing up, and whilst there is STILL and (continues) to be great transformation and change afoot on the planet both collectively and individually - July will feel quite different.

Just as well really as (and here is your pre-warner - August is set to be wild)

 Now before I dive into this month, I just want you to pause here, and notice how your body reacted to the above opener.

 Did it clench up with tightness?

A sudden rush of adrenaline echoed by “dear god no- I can't take any more!”

Or did you feel quite neutral?- like yup  bring it on baby, I’m feeling steady and ready to take it on?”


Your reaction is the clue to what might come up for you this month!

 Which by the way if you’re now judging yourself for being in the first camp and at your limit - we have got you covered this month, so don’t fret my friend!


So this month…….

As you know we are deep in the death and rebirth portal with all this change in the air, but each of us will be falling at different stages within this transition.

Some will be releasing & reflecting,

Some will be within the void - literally down in the soil rebirthing themselves,

And others will be emerging, ready to share, and be seen in their new identity.


This doesn’t feel like a month-long theme, but literally a day-by-day spiral in and out of these stages, so be sure to check in daily and ask yourself…..  “How do I feel today?” and take action accordingly.

 Get that down and you're already halfway there!


The crux of this energy this month is surrender.

So let’s tie this into our day to day shall we…….

Let’s say on Monday, you find yourself wanting to shine out and share yourself more with the world, but by Wednesday your back deep in the void and really needing some space, some stillness and some nurturing?

On Monday, whilst you're flying high and full of enthusiasm and confidence you make all these plans, and you really want to press on with your new ideas and creations, but because you're back in cocoon energy on Wednesday you really don’t feel like it?


On Wednesday are you?

a)       Going to honour your needs, cancel plans and take your time out?

b)     Press on, because once you're committed, you're committed, and you really ought to do all of those things you said you would?! Cue the justification and excuses here!

c)       Or somewhere in the middle?

You see, there is a level of being able to go with the “FLOW” and flexibility that’s been asked of us all here, and what it actually invites us to do is SURRENDER to the greater energies and forces working.

It’s clear to me from what I see in treatment, surfing the cosmic highways, clearing energy, akashic records, channeling light activations, and tending to our 5D system - that what we are consciously aware of in our physical life at the moment is actually only 35% of what’s going on! There is SOOOOOO much going on behind the scenes - we literally have no idea!


Can you surrender to yourself, how you feel, and where you’re at?

Can you lovingly witness the voices that come up to judge, criticize and compare when we don’t feel like we are doing enough or afraid of trying something new ... .and still make choices that support and reflect your truth in that moment?


It is this action of choice that rebuilds trust and connection to self, and that fosters inner stability and safety.

We simply cannot surrender if we do not have this foundation of stability and safety within us.

We can all start rebuilding this today by honoring how we feel and listening to those intuitive whispers to take action.


July is the month to replenish and nurture your soul connection.

Some of us need to bring that down in the body so it doesn’t just stay as a nicely formed awareness package and take action.

Some of us REALLY need to tend to our nervous systems and physical bodies.

AND some of us need a healthy dose of “F&*k it” energy to get our arse in gear and do the things we are supposed to do!

Your heart and soul will be sooooo freaking happy you’re not putting it off any longer!


Inner stability and safety translates to a steady inner knowing and confidence that whatever happens you are going to be alright - this is going to see you through the 2nd half of the year, and is especially important as we visibly see the dismantling of our financial system.

So if you started reading this blog, and your heart sank at the thought of a continuation of energy intensity, this is something to really focus on and commit to.

For those of you wanting to dive a little deeper, connect with us on the socials or sign up for our weekly newsletter as this month we are focusing on working with your inner masculine (protection/ security/ and providing), your inner feminine (intuition/ flow/ nurturing/ confidence and creativity) and my Abundant Heart workshop - manifestational arts & creating from the heart! I’ll be going live towards the end of the month.


Other themes for this month are focused on communication.

Now communication isn’t just about the words we speak, we communicate with our energy that we transmit from our bodies all day long too. Our ability to listen is also part of this communication umbrella. Spirit reminded me again last week (at length because I really feel they wanted to drive this home to me haha) but our ability to listen and listen deeply is actually more important than how we communicate.

I am reminded of something I used to teach as a sales trainer ( Yes, can you believe I used to teach sales - not because I was really good at closing the deal, but because I was extremely good at building relationships and rapport). Anyway, it went a little something like this….

“We have two ears and one mouth, but often approach others like we just have one - that being the mouth. The way to build rapport is actually through listening.”

It worked in sales, but as spirit reminded me of last week, it’s super important when it comes to the relationship we have with ourselves.

Something that makes this incredibly difficult in the lives we lead is the amount of noise, distraction and pace that surrounds us.

Something that makes it easier is slowing the heck down.

I would argue as well that this alone is one of the most important ingredients in relationships and friendships. Being able to slow down long enough to really see, hear and feel each other through listening! ESPECIALLY when it’s a vulnerable, raw and a tender share.

I know I am guilty of it with the kids, I know I am guilty of it with Oliver, and I know many friends where I dive in and advise and it’s not actually what is being asked of me in the moment. They are looking to be seen and heard.

Do you know how I realised this? Because I continually came away from conversations where I didn’t feel understood, not heard, overlooked and feeling like I just didn’t get what I needed. After a lot of reflection, I realized 2 things.

1: I was bypassing listening to my own emotions. I know all the tricks to shift my energy, but I found myself repeating stuff over and over again because I actually wasn’t deeply listening to what and how I was feeling. It doesn’t need a story or completely intellectualizing but it does need to be seen and felt in order to complete and harmonise.

2: I had to be really honest with myself and see where I was projecting this onto other people and treating them, how I was actually treating myself. Basically like my emotions were an inconvenience, and that I will make time for them later ( which I never did until they all spilled out) or I would just therapy them - and actually they just wanted Bex/Mum.


Slowing down helps us makes space for deeper connections and deeper listening.

It is a skill to practice - it won’t be perfect every time.

In treatments at the moment we are clearing a lot from the channel that starts in our womb space/ Hara, up through our heart and into our throats.

It’s about the expression of truth and this is a massive theme on the planet right now, as we are about to go through another massive wave of the collective voice rising. One of the most important energy centres for this is the heart.

I see people voicing and sharing things, and feelings they have kept buried for a long time. It might be sharing with someone how their actions made you feel ages ago, but you’ve been carrying around the impact of that situation ever since. For others it might be voicing an ending within a relationship that you’ve been putting off and being able to have a really open and honest conversation about it, rather than going around the houses. And lastly, communicating boundaries that actually open your heart rather than closing it.

Speaking our truth can make us feel vulnerable, but this is the exact tonic and healing we as the collective and individuals are moving through right now.

When it’s your time to speak I want you to remember it takes enormous courage and strength to be vulnerable, and when it's in alignment with your heart, it's less about what you say (as in it doesn’t have to be perfect) because it will be felt.

I hope that little nugget of truth echoes through your body as a beautiful remembrance.


So, I think that’s enough for today. If you can read between the lines you will intuitively pick up on other subtle themes we are working with this month. I do think we will all notice the shift in energy this month, use the space and tempo wisely to replenish your being, and remember things change on the daily.

I am sending you much love and strength and as always holding a light to your highest potential.




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