3 Things that helped me feel more at home in my body.


To the sensitive Soul trying to feel at home in a body! Read this!

Three things I’ve learnt that have helped me feel more at home in my body.

Being in a body is really difficult:

Being human is really difficult:


Be under no illusions that the path of self-discovery and soul alignment is all love and light because it isn’t.

I sometimes question throughout my journey and wonder if I’ve got some kind of bipolar.

I pendulate from begging spirit to take me back because the pain I feel for this world is too much…

to outright rage and frustration of the human limitations in this matrix and game we live in when I can't work out how to make it  all“fit”….

to absolute bliss and admiration for the magic around me…

I live for moments when I experience the vastness of my soul soaring, soft kisses from the wind, and a stolen moment in time where I lock eyes with my husband and I know all is as it should be.


I have torn myself to bits, efforting, punishing my body, healing “another thing”, giving myself sh$t for still finding myself locked in patterns and beliefs that I know don’t serve me.

I spent years disassociated.

I spent years in survival.

And yet even though I teach embodiment and soul alignment, and I spend so much time in my body now (and for the most part feel pretty peaceful about being human)

I still will choose to disassociate and will sometimes cosy up with pain, suffering, and those all too familiar survival patterns.


The big thing that made it all a dam sight easier was adopting a radical level of self-acceptance and compassion toward myself when I find myself in those places.

Nothing ever comes from trying to dismiss those parts of yourself, or denying that’s how you feel, regardless of it being old or the fact you “should” know better and rationally understand where it’s coming from.

If anything, pull those parts of you closer, and get to know them better. Isn’t the fact that they are shouting for your attention signalling they need some TLC?


I loosened my grip around being “perfect” and having to get it right!

Gulp! The pressure and expectation robs you of any joy and space to play.

I knew the concept that “there is no right or wrong only lessons and growth” and yet I didn’t fully trust it, because my inner ciritic- well shes a real b%tCh and her foreplay is being 2 faced. I had to draw up some strong boundaries around her whilst accepting she was always going to be along for the ride.

The freeing part of this puzzle was understanding, although she feared judgement and criticism from others, what really made her crumble was the fear I would abandon her if she got it wrong!


Finally, the gift of softening and being more compassionate towards myself, allowed me to be more compassionate and open-hearted towards others.

This has been a wonderful balm to the part of me that can't always understand why people are so messed up, do crappy things, and just the overall balance of this world.

It has made space for me to experience MORE of myself and befriend my body- not just the parts I like and know are accepted, but invite every part of me to enrich and deepen my experience of being a human.

So here’s the thing I know deep in my bones… We are multidimensional beings, and duality is the nature of this crazy old world we live in; in both our inner and outer realms.

It’s an important part of our experience because it offers us a choice point.

A choice point that doesn’t always need a “charge” but is just valuable information.

It all gets to be medicine when we don’t use those aspects to oppose one another but allow them to come together, and inform our individual choice and direction.

It’s not about making wars in ourselves, or in the world for that matter.

That makes being a human really difficult.


Signs you are stuck in your head.


Self Mastery in relationships: Exploring Boundaries